UFO Car: Believe it or Not

SciFi channel once stated that one out of seven Americans has encountered UFO. 14% of population is composed of a UFO close encounter and the largest proportion is comprised of people who actually saw UFO. In fact, in the year 1940s several pilot sighting cases were recorded. In the year 1940s to 1960s, most convincing UFO reports were given by pilots and ex-pilots. The question is: are UFO’s real?


A space UFO was seen on the highway! But, it is not the real UFO you’re thinking about. It is actually a car. It is termed as ‘Zooop’. It is one of the ideal future cars made. Plus, its design is really unusual.



Seeing the picture, you’ve probably noticed its round chassis that gave it a unique appearance. Aside from that, it is also designed to have Propulsion of 150-kW AC. It is capable of achieving the speed of 112 mph, as well as going up to 280 miles even with a single recharge. Most of all, it is gasoline-free!


Drive one to experience the feeling of riding in UFO car. With Zooop, UFO issues can be resolved. If not, at least you’ve experienced a ‘UFO ride’. So what are you waiting for? Ask yourself a big question: “How can I experience a UFO ride?”

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